Ko YUzinc

Geology and Geodesy Blog

About Geology

Great discoveries of geology

Throughout the history of geology as a science, scientists have made many interesting discoveries and formed important hypotheses that formed the basis of other areas of study of the Earth’s crust. Below are the most famous geological discoveries that have changed people’s ideas about the structure of the bowels, as well as theoretical conjectures about the age of our planet.

Geologic Time
Geologic time is described by a geochronological scale, which is divided into time intervals lasting hundreds of thousands of years. This great geological discovery today underlies the history of the Earth before the existence of man on it. Anyone interested can use this scale to get reliable information on each period of the formation of the planet and the most significant natural phenomena that occurred on it.

Geological age of the earth
According to scientists’ hypotheses, the age of our planet is estimated at 4.5 to 4.7 billion years, during which the movement of lithospheric plates, the appearance and extinction of different species of living beings took place. Meteorites have fallen to the surface of the Earth’s crust, and there has been periodic climate change in the atmosphere, triggering global warming or an ice age. The structure of the earth today is the result of these irreversible changes and the history of the earth’s development.

To determine the geological age of the Earth, scientists have spent many years conducting extensive archaeological excavations, laboratory research, theoretical calculations, observing the stars, taking samples of images and performing many other types of complex analytical work. Nevertheless, this hypothesis, despite its accuracy, is only theoretical, and no scientist in the world has yet been able to prove it definitively.